Sunday, December 2, 2012

Your Home Inspection is Confidential Or Is It?

With the downturn in the economy many home inspection companies have found it necessary to generate additional revenue on top of what they're charging clients for the actual inspection.  One of the methods that seems to be snowballing in the inspection industry is selling the client's information.

There are alarm companies paying inspectors $10 for every client's name and telephone number they submit.  For me that would be an extra $3,000 a year.  It doesn't stop with alarm companies either...home warranty companies and recall notification companies are doing it also...all at the tune of $10 per clients.  That's an extra $9,000 a year to me.

Let me just say, I'm all for making an extra $9,000 a year but not by violating the trust of my clients.  The American Society of Home Inspectors have ruled that selling your client's information if a violation of their Code of Ethics.  The problem is they allow it if the client is notified first.  So home inspectors hide this notification in the small print of their inspection agreements.

At Minnesota Home Inspectors we will never sell or give away our client's personal information, ever.  This is one of the reasons why we've performed inspections for professional sports figures, high profile government officials and even members of the Secret Service.  Their secrets are safe with us.

Minnesota Home Inspectors
Scheduling:  651-489-4633